how did the early islamic empire expand

The First Dynasty of Islam: the Umayyad caliphate AD 661-750 . Caliphate, the political-religious state comprising the Muslim community and the lands and peoples under its dominion in the centuries following the death (632 ce) of the Prophet Muhammad. Spread of Islam - Wikipedia religious) coherence and mobilization constituted the main factor that propelled early Muslim armies to successfully establish, in the timespan of a century, one of the largest empires in history. In December 636 or January 647, Saad began his advance toward the Euphrates River. Afterwards his domain bordered that of Prithviraj III, ruler of a powerful Hindu state. While some zealous leaders attempted conversion at sword point, this was not very effective; most converts in this manner would resume their original religious practices as soon as the threat was removed. This was an odd match as the Lombards and Franks had clashed before. While Toghril dealt with his cousin, Besairi occupied Baghdad and removed the caliph from power. Although the Umayyad dynasty continued in Spain after the Abbasid Revolution in 750, the rulers of al-Andalus, as Spain was called, it did not claim the title of caliph. Historians are unsure of exactly when Khalid converted, but it is known that he was among the Muslims in 630 when the city of Mecca surrendered to Muhammad. In October 999, the Qarakhanids, a Turkic dynasty in Central Asia, ended the feeble remnants of the Samanids. Muslim raiding parties continued for a few years, but any advance into northern France was checked. However, the Muslim youth, still riding the elation of the victory at Bedr, sought battle. Although the Arabs did not pursue the Sasanids, the battle of Qadisiyya opened the Sasanid Empire to them. However, the coup brought Emperor Leo III to the throne. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. It is estimated that by the time that Saad made his push, he had accumulated thirty thousand men, including a solid core of veterans who had fought alongside Muhammad. Nonetheless, he converted to Islam in either 627 or 629. Instead, he remained in a building near the field due to illness. Bosworth, Clifford E. Later Ghaznavids: Splendour and Decay: The Dynasty in Afghanistan and Northern India, 10401186. Following steppe custom, Toghril and his brother divided the realm between themselves to rule, although in theory it remained a single state. Rustem obliged, but reluctantly. Gale Encyclopedia of World History: War. Caliph Umar had recalled them for the new campaign against the Sasanids. 3. The last king of the once glorious Sassanian Empire lost his life to treachery, and with his death, died any hope of fighting the Muslim advance. This changed under Abd al-Rahman III (891961), who revitalized Umayyad power and was the first to reclaim the title of caliph. Islam and the Caliphate - Islam and the Caliphate Friday - Studocu Rustam's death demoralized his men, who despite having overwhelming numbers began to rout and were utterly crushed. Although the capture of Nishapur was a bold action, Toghril Beg also courted disaster in doing so. Despite the reinforcements, the Rashidun army was heavily outnumbered and their foe had the advantage in equipment, but the Muslims made up for it with their unparalleled skill in hand-to-hand combat. Muhammad became renown through the region for his business acumen as well as his character. Textiles, spices and even religions were all exchanged along the Silk Road starting around 1,000 B.C. His rise to power also caused a major crisis within Islam. By the reign of Alp Arslan (who ruled from 1063 to 1072), the Seljuks had largely settled down, becoming sedentary rather than remaining nomads. In this absence, the Muslim commander Abu Ubaid al-Thaqafi, moving against the advice of Muthanna, gave battle to a strong Sassanian force and faced a crushing defeat at the Battle of the Bridge (October 634 CE). Indeed, once Heraclius realized the magnitude of the defeat, he did not attempt to regain it. At its height, the Islamic empire extended far beyond modern-day Turkey from Egypt and Northern Africa through the Middle East, Greece, the Balkans (Bulgaria, Romania, etc. The Abbasid caliph was still the titular lord of the region, but in reality the caliphs held power in name only. From this victory, the Seljuks then went on to dominate all of Iran; being recent converts to Islam, they became allies of the Abbasid caliphs. As the Seljuk Empire expanded westward, its main efforts were partially fueled by recently arrived Turkic nomads. With the collapse of the Ghurid flanks and the possible death of the ruler, the Ghurid army was routed. Under Mahmud, the army was the central institution of the state. Muhammad, being more of a pragmatist than a man bound strictly to honor, blinded Prithviraj and imprisoned him in Ghazni rather than release him. Nonetheless, several Islamic states did begin to use a variety of Greek fire in the Middle Ages. I don't believe it is meant to be a reliable source; it was published to challenge society's views and common knowledge about early Islamic conquests. However, when Charlemagne arrived, the situation had changed. In this battle 24,000 Muslims took part. Early Islamic Expansion 1 .docx - Central Historical Question: How did ." Arbitration concluded that neither Ali nor Muawiya could claim the caliphate and that the people would choose a new leader. World History Encyclopedia. T he pages of medieval history are filled with figures whose biographies are equal parts legend and f, Expanding Educational Opportunities for the Masses, Expanded Food Nutrition and Education Program, Expatriates Urge Fellow Iranians to Boycott Presidential Election,, Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire (Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries), Muslim Response to the Crusades and the Cairo/Baghdad Caliphate Split. At this point, Khalid ibn al-Walid, who would later become perhaps the greatest Arab commander, rallied the Meccans and counterattacked and defeated the Muslims. Early Muslim Conquests (622-656 CE). However, rather than pursue and crush their enemies, the Muslims discipline broke and they began looting the Meccan camp. Masud attempted to bring the Seljuks to heel in 1040, but he was crushed at the Battle of Dandanqan. After Qadisiyya, the Arabs would cross the Euphrates and conquer the rest of the Sasanid Empirewhich stretched from the Euphrates to modern Afghanistanin a few years. As a result, Muawiya became the unofficial caliph in Damascus and Ali remained in his position in his new capital of Kufa, in Iraq. Martel also had to deal with recalcitrant nobles in southern France. Upon realizing this, Khalid stopped his retreat and laid siege to the Byzantines fortified positions near the Yarmuk River. Islam and the Caliphate. Alp Arslan (Lion Hero in Turkic) (10291072) was the great-grandson of Seljuk, the chieftain of the Ghuzz Turkic tribes that migrated from Central Asia into Iran in the eleventh century. Since the Byzantines had given up on the region thereafter, victorious troops were sent to the Iraqi front to reinforce the campaign there. Harlow, UK: Longman, 2003. In this battle 24,000 Muslims took part. Both battles involved the same participants, Muhammad of Ghur and Prithviraj III. During his fairly effective rule, Muawiya made Yazid (his son) his successor. The soviet Union integrated its early conquests (such as the Baltic states (part of the old Russian empire admittedly) directly into the union rather than setting up Peoples Republics. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons. In Document C, warriors and nobles of a different religion were convinced to embrace Islam because it would benefit them. Abu Bakr sent four divisions under Shurahbil ibn Hasana (l. 583-639 CE), Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan (d. 640 CE), Amr ibn al-As (l. c. 573-664 CE), and Abu Ubaidah (l. 583-639 CE) to raid Syria and the Levant. After being convinced that he had not gone mad, Muhammad accepted his role as prophet and began to attract followers. In early 1060, Toghril brought the caliph back to Baghdad. The Armies of the Caliphs: Military and Society in the Early Islamic State. Finally, the Byzantines were on the offensive and threatening northern Syria. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Eventually, the reportedly fifty-thousand-man Ghaznavid army met a smaller (twenty thousand), but more mobile force of Seljuksunder the leadership of Toghril Beg and his brother, Chaghrion the steppe of Dandanqan, near Merv. Jerusalem was besieged shortly in 637 CE and then capitulated after receiving guarantees of safety personally from Caliph Umar. Bukhara fell before them, but some of the Samanids escaped to Khwarazm where they attempted to establish a new power base. Umar did it because he wanted to make sure that Khalid remembered that his success in battle came from God and not to consider himself infallible. The greatest threat came from Husayn ibn Ali (626680) and Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr (d. 692), who was the grandson of the second caliph (Abu Bakr) and also related to Muhammad. For example, it was now known that the Hindus traditionally fought only between dawn and dusk. As darkness fell, the Arab army had survived the first day of the battle, although it came close to collapsing. How is the account of Muslim expansion in Document B similar or different from the account in Document A? Muhammad still held the center, but was wounded in the battle and fell from his horse. In 1150, the Suri tribe from Ghur sacked Ghazni. However, the expansion of Islam also spread a civilization and culture that blended not only Arab tradition and Islamic principles, but also Roman, Hellenic, Persian, Indian, and Turkic practices into a single civilization. The early rise of Islam (632-700) The Muslim community spread through the Middle East through conquest, and the resulting growth of the Muslim state provided the ground in which the recently revealed faith could take root and flourish. In return, the caliph sent Mahmud a patent of sovereignty over Khurasan in 999. How did the early Islamic empire expand? The Meccans advanced toward the sun and over sand dunes against the Muslims. 12 Practice Test, Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Creating America: Beginnings through World War I, Allan M. Winkler, Andrew Cayton, Elisabeth Israels Perry, Linda Reed. Beginning in 1178, the Ghurids under Muhammad of Ghur were increasingly active in the subcontinent. Khalid ibn al-Walid (c. 590-642) was the primary Arab general during the first phase of the Arab conquests in the seventh century. Toghril gained new influence in 1055 when he took over Baghdad. Web. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. The attack came rather unexpectedly in the middle of a sand storm. The Early Muslim Expansion is a story of sheer will and valour. The first major battle was at Bedr, along the caravan route to Syria. Furthermore, Martel was surrounded by enemies: pagan Saxons and Germans, Lombards, and Muslims. and Fred Donner's . Illustration of the battle of Yarmouk (636 CE). The Battle of Dandanqan was a pivotal battle for dominance in the eastern part of the Islamic world, pitting the newly arrived Seljuks against the established Ghaznavid Empire. Despite the threat from the north, this did not prevent Abd al-Rahman from having cordial relations with other Christian states, such as the Byzantine Empire or the Holy Roman Empire. Amr ibn al-As, one of the four commanders originally sent to the Byzantine frontier by Abu Bakr, appeared before Umar with the proposition of another conquest. This betrayal allowed the Seljuks to surround and annihilate the main army. different documents. Khalid ibn al-Walid (d. 642 CE), a prominent Muslim strategist, played a pivotal role in this fight by crushing the strongest opposition force under an imposter (false prophet) named Musaylimah in December, 632 CE, at the Battle of al-Yamama. Damascus, Syria In 683, Yazid promulgated an order to confiscate land in the holy city of Medina. In addition, there was strife on the border between al-Andalus and the Christian north. Sultan Masud barely escaped the disastrous encounter with a hundred men. Toghrils troops also began to raid into Transcaucasia (modern Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia). The exact number of this force is unknown except that it was larger than the Arab army. The siege lasted for four months. The young king Yazdegerd lacked the experience necessary to rally his military. How did the early rise of Islam spread? Abu Bakr had saved his Prophet's empire and religion; for this, he was hailed as a hero and his authority became unquestionable. Unfortunately, the details of the battle are very vague, as sources vary widely on even the number of troops involved. Ultimately, Abd al-Rahman made the first move, probably because as long as Charles remained in the area, the Arab raiding expedition was threatened. Thus in early 630, Muhammad marched on Mecca, and the city surrendered without a fight. In Document B, the Muslim soldiers had the potential to misuse their position of authority over . What is its purpose? However, because of his insistence on monotheism, Muhammad also attracted enemies. Two years later, most of Egypt had been taken by the Rashidun army. Expansion of the Early Islamic Empire - Stanford History Education Group The caliphs furthermore began the ambitious project of building mosques across the empire, many of which remain today, such as the Umayyad Mosque, in Damascus. Caliph Umar reinforced the Iraqi front with fresh troops under the command of a reputable companion of the Prophet: Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (l. 595-674 CE). The elephants broke the ranks of several tribal units, both the Bani Bajeela and Bani Asad. Many tribes opposed the idea of dynastic rule since it violated tradition, but the event that formed a rebellion against Yazid was due to his policies. To the Umayyad court, the Byzantine Empire seemed particularly weak and Constantinoples famous defenses vulnerable. It is possible that the matter could have been resolved peacefully; the Seljuk leader, Toghril Beg, did request land in Khurasan from Masud. Not unexpectedly, his claim to the throne was challenged, but against all rivalssuch as his cousin Suleiman and his fathers cousin, KutulmishAlp Arslan emerged victorious. However, Charles Martels victory did help him secure power within France. Yes, it is a treaty between a Christian King and the Muslim forces; the forces gained Theodmir's followers, which they treated with respect and sincerity. Islam expanded by Muslims invading other territories. Khan, Syed Muhammad. Henceforth, Syria was dominated by the Seljuks, while the Fatimids generally controlled the coastline of the Levant. During the Ridda Wars, an Arab chieftain named Muthanna ibn al-Haritha approached Abu Bakr and informed him of the vulnerability of Sassanian Iraq. Khalid ibn al-Walid's Invasion of IraqMohammad Adil (GNU FDL) Eventually, Muhammads heavy cavalry hit the Rajput lines. Nonetheless, events did lead to war. . Thus when dawn arrived, the fighting continued throughout the day. It is estimated that the Ghaznavid army maintained a standing force of 35,00055,000 soldiers with over a thousand elephants. Afterwards, Abd al-Rahman was determined to punish the Christian kingdoms, so he sacked Pamplona in Navarre in 924. Muhammad suffered multiple wounds in the combat, but he and his followers escaped to the safety of Mount Uhud, which was more defensible. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Although they were comprised of a wide variety of ethnicities, the majority were Turks. During the next century however, skirmishing became more frequent. The right flank was guarded by a spur of Mount Uhud. The founder of a major religion typically is not a military leader. Although the Merovingians were the titular rulers, they had lost real power to the Frankish aristocracy, led by the mayors of the palace. Spread of Islamic Culture (video) | Khan Academy To increase moral and loyalty they could embrace Islam, "In most cases, it appears that these individuals were required to embrace Islam in order to receive their stipend." The Sasanid Empire collapsed completely due to the Arab conquests. Now, Gao Xianzhi turned his attention toward the Turks. Muhammad fled there in 622, which marks year one of the Islamic calendar. Stanford University | 485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 | Privacy Policy. A treaty signed between the commander of the Muslim forces invading Spain and the Christian King of a region in Southern Spain. The battle remains a centerpiece of Shia theology, known as Ashura, and is a holiday in which the martyrdom of Husayn is remembered. The army had received military land grants that produced a form of salary. Although the stampede trampled troops on both sides, eventually the elephants exited the battlefield. With no major powers to oppose him, Toghril quickly acquired more territory. This information is from Document A. For ambiguous reasons, he chose his son Ismail, even though Ismail possessed neither the administrative skill nor the martial abilities of Mahmud. As this force left, the Arabian Peninsula broke into an open rebellion. Later known as Sayf Allah ("the Sword of God"), Khalid initially fought against Muhammad and the early Muslim community. In 610, Muhammad began to receive revelations from the angel Gabriel who informed Muhammad that he was the last prophet of God. Islam and Its Origins - Starts on the Arabian peninsula Then spreads to the middle regions of east Asia Tribe based Outside of the major empires A lot of mixing, Jews and Christians, Zoroastrianism, polytheistic - Many people started to believe that first among these gods were Allah- god - Allah and yaway were one in the same . The word jihad is derived from the Arabic root jahada, meaning "to strive" or "to exert oneself" toward some goal. Older generations The half-hearted attack collapsed and the Muslims routed the Meccans, thus gaining an important victory for the Muslims. Although Muhammad did do the same to thirty members of the Quraysh in revenge for Hamza, he ultimately forbade the mutilation of the dead, which had been a custom in the Arabian Peninsula. Mahmud used this opportunity to attack Begtuzun, legitimatizing his attack against another Muslim ruler by defending the rightful Samanid ruler. In 1064 and 1068, his armies invaded the Christian regions of Georgia and Armenia. Although they had sworn allegiance to Ali, they now began to have second doubts. This, however, changed as the Arabian Peninsula was united under the banner of Islam by 633 CE. Also, as it was the religion of the conquerors, many regional leaders thought it would be expedient and beneficial to convert. Medina offered Prophet Muhammad sovereignty over the city, making him the first ruler and king (r. 622-632 CE) of what was later to become the Islamic or Muslim Empire. He also increased the authority of the government over the frequently autonomous Turkic tribes. It was not long thereafter before Muslim raiders entered France. Charles did not claim the throne himself, but after his death in 741, his son Pepin assumed his responsibilities and eventually took the title of king in 751. None will be killed, harassed, taken prisoner, nor separated from their family. . Perhaps it was because of the sacking of Pamplona, or perhaps the simple opportunity to plunder. Popular legend has Muhammad blinding Prithviraj and keeping the Indian king as a source of amusement for his court. As it was an immense realm, administering the kingdom was difficult. Gunpowder provides a clear illustration of ways in which Islamic . Byzantine troops stationed in Anatolia, however, defeated them and forced them into Syria. Fortunately for Muhammad, he had learned of the plot and escaped to the city of Yathrid (now known as Medina), located north of Mecca. Indeed, it was used in a few naval encounters, and perhaps even sieges, during the Crusades. The pivotal battle enabled the Islamic penetration of the region, and it gave the Muslims control of an economically important trade zone: the heart of the Silk Road.

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how did the early islamic empire expand