About Me

Revolutionizing the way you arrange your schedule
Brainstorming & Ideation
Wireframing & Landing Page
Innovating the new flavours onto your table
Brainstorming & Ideation
Wireframing & Landing Page
Hi! Ciao! 你好! 初めまして!
Hello, and thank you for visiting my website!
I’m Cheng Wei Jian, a passionate explorer of life’s diverse opportunities. Recently, I completed my Master’s in Management and CEMS MIM, an incredible journey that took me from Paris to the USA, broadening my perspective on the world.
Beyond academics, I’m a part-time tennis coach, home barista, and outdoor photographer, always eager to turn my passions into meaningful projects. While I await the start of my professional career, I’m actively working on ideas that I’ve long held close, striving to bring them to life.
My ultimate goal is to merge what I love with my work, and I’m excited to connect with others who share similar passions or have advice to offer. I hope you enjoy exploring this site, and I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you soon!