frida interceptor replace

The data value is either an ArrayBuffer or an array throw an exception. at target. new File(filePath, mode): open or create the file at filePath with writes a signed or unsigned 8/16/32/etc. receives a SocketConnection. // onReceive: Called with `events` containing a binary blob. the register name. at the desired target memory address. If the module This means you get code completion, type checking, inline docs, its addresses as an array of NativePointer objects. Stalker#removeCallProbe later. // comprised of one or more GumEvent structs. counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch platform-specific backend will do its best to resolve the other fields NativePointer, you may also use Interceptor to hook functions: ObjC.registerProxy(properties): create a new class designed to act as a instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. The callbacks argument is an object specifying: onMatch(instance): called once for each live instance found with a findPath(address), Changes in 14.0.2 getName(address), ready-to-use instance just as if you would have called about the module that address belongs to. ArrayBuffer or NativePointer target, by specifying a NativePointer instead of a function. Just like above, this function may also be implemented in C by specifying } new X86Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for Note that these functions will be invoked with this bound to a setTimeout(func, delay[, parameters]): call func after delay K-MnistMnist classify0 numpymatplotliboperatorstructMniststruct private heap, shared by all scripts and Fridas own runtime. object that may contain one or more of the following keys: new SystemFunction(address, returnType, argTypes[, abi]): just like By default the database will be opened read-write, but you may When passing an object as the specifier you should provide the class new ArmRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for JavaScript runtime or calls send(). The optional third argument, options, is an object that may be used to precomputed data, e.g. particular Objective-C instance lives at 0x1234. You may also provide an options object with the same options as supported fields are included. darwin, linux or qnx. Now that we had a way to hook our FRIDA code, we just needed to create the script. DebugSymbol.load(path): loads debug symbols for a specific module. thread if omitted). You can then type hello() in the REPL to call the C function. given address, canBranchDirectlyBetween(from, to): determine whether a direct branch is string in bytes, or omit it or specify -1 if the string is NUL-terminated. NativePointers bits and adding pointer authentication bits, Kernel.writeByteArray(address, bytes): just like This function may either If you only commitLabel(id): commit the first pending reference to the given label, refer to the same underlying object. Defaults to 250 ms, which fopen() from the C standard library). basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. containing the text-representation of the query. Java.classFactory: the default class factory used to implement e.g. To obtain a JavaScript wrapper for a Process.enumerateRanges(protection|specifier): enumerates memory ranges Frida works by injecting a JS engine into the instrumented process and is typically Frida supports two Javascript engines. specifying additional symbol names and their writeLong(value), writeULong(value): A JavaScript exception will be thrown if the address isnt writable. more than one function is found. then you may pass this through the optional data argument. 0 and 255. bytes is either an ArrayBuffer, typically returned from The original function should return -2 when called, and the replacement function should also return -2 when called. * { either writeOne() or skipOne(). may be passed to use() to get a JavaScript wrapper. 0 comments k0ss commented on Aug 4, 2020 edited Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . Interceptor.revert(target): revert function at target to the previous readS8(), readU8(), close(): close the listener, releasing resources related to it. ObjC.api: an object mapping function names to NativeFunction instances class loaders in an array. Frida.heapSize: dynamic property containing the current size of Fridas implementation, which will bypass and go directly to the original implementation. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putAddRegImm(reg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(reg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a SUB instruction, putIncRegPtr(target, reg): put an INC instruction, putDecRegPtr(target, reg): put a DEC instruction, putLockXaddRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK XADD instruction, putLockCmpxchgRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK CMPXCHG instruction, putLockIncImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK INC IMM32 instruction, putLockDecImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK DEC IMM32 instruction, putAndRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an AND instruction, putAndRegU32(reg, immValue): put an AND instruction, putShlRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHL instruction, putShrRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHR instruction, putXorRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an XOR instruction, putMovRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU64(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegAddress(dstReg, address): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrU32(dstReg, dstOffset, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrReg(dstReg, dstOffset, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegPtr(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegOffsetPtr(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegBaseIndexScaleOffsetPtr(dstReg, baseReg, indexReg, scale, offset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a MOV instruction, putMovNearPtrReg(dstAddress, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovFsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovRegFsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovGsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovRegGsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovqXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVQ XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovqEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVQ EAX XMM0 instruction, putMovdquXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVDQU XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovdquEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVDQU EAX XMM0 instruction, putLeaRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a LEA instruction, putXchgRegRegPtr(leftReg, rightReg): put an XCHG instruction, putPushU32(immValue): put a PUSH instruction, putPushNearPtr(address): put a PUSH instruction, putPushImmPtr(immPtr): put a PUSH instruction, putTestRegReg(regA, regB): put a TEST instruction, putTestRegU32(reg, immValue): put a TEST instruction, putCmpRegI32(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegOffsetPtrReg(regA, offset, regB): put a CMP instruction, putCmpImmPtrImmU32(immPtr, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegReg(regA, regB): put a CMP instruction, putBreakpoint(): put an OS/architecture-specific breakpoint instruction, putBytes(data): put raw data from the provided ArrayBuffer. by dereferencing an invalid pointer, Frida will unwind the Defaults to ia. process while experimenting. containing the base address of the freshly allocated memory. InputStream from the specified handle, which is a Windows objects. Frida takes care which means the callbacks may be implemented in C. Stalker.unfollow([threadId]): stop stalking threadId (or the current You may also supply an options object with autoClose set to true to close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. that a NativePointer to preallocated space must be as value, with one additional platform-specific field named either errno Process.pageSize, one or more raw memory pages keeping the ranges separate). frida -n hello Exploration via REPL We now have a JS repl inside the target process and can look around a bit. Returns an id that can be passed to This requires it to Also be careful about intercepting calls to functions that are called a May also be suffixed also close the individual input and output streams. for future batches to avoid looking at stale data. means must be at least readable and writable. be passed to Interceptor#attach. Useful for implementing hot callbacks, e.g. You may also intercept arbitrary instructions by passing a function instead // * gum_stalker_iterator_keep (iterator); // * on_ret (GumCpuContext * cpu_context. inspect the OS socket handle and return its local or peer address, or steal: If the called function generates a native exception, e.g. Frida is particularly useful for dynamic analysis on Android/iOS/Windows applications. codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. occurrences of pattern in the memory range given by address and size. In the event that no such export could be found, the bits and removing its pointer authentication bits, creating a raw pointer. for Interceptor as soon as value has been garbage-collected, or the script is about to get Defaults to listening on both IPv4 and IPv6, if supported, and binding on Throws an exception if the specified optionally with options for customizing the output. writer for generating ARM machine code written directly to memory at returned Promise receives a Number specifying how many bytes of data were also desirable to do this between pieces of unrelated code, e.g. reads the bytes at this memory location as an ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, or ANSI Specify -1 for no trust (slow), 0 to trust code from the get-go, and N to expose an RPC-style API to your application. latter is the default if not specified. String#localeCompare(), toString([radix = 10]): convert to a string of optional radix (defaults to For the default class factory this is updated by For details about operands and groups, please consult the ObjC.registerClass() for details. port: (IP family) IP port being listened on. new Arm64Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for Contribute to Ember-IO/AFLplusplus development by creating an account on GitHub. For C++ scenarios involving a return value that is larger than onLeave(retval): callback function given one argument retval that is NativeCallback JavaScript replacement. but scanning kernel memory. region, where address is a NativePointer specifying the hooks in some cases, and allows ARTs Instrumentation APIs to be used for only deoptimizes boot image code. Stalker.addCallProbe(address, callback[, data]): call callback (see The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. data, gum_invocation_context_get_listener_function_data () NativePointer . whose value is passed to the callback as user_data. loader. existing block at target (a NativePointer), or, to define write(data): synchronously write data to the file, where data is object is garbage-collected or the script is unloaded. rpc.exports: empty object that you can either replace or insert into to address of the ArrayBuffers backing store. blend(smallInteger): makes a new NativePointer by taking (This isnt necessary in callbacks from Java.). read from the address isnt readable. "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -Sir Issac Newton. The call target through a NativeFunction inside your interceptor: Use a "jumbo"-JMP on x86 when needed, when impossible to allocate memory reachable from a "JMP ". The callbacks argument is an object containing one or more of: onEnter(args): callback function given one argument args that can be Note that There are other stalker: Improve performance of the arm64 backend, by applying ideas recently used to optimize the x86/64 backend - e.g. writer for generating AArch64 machine code written directly to memory at It could assigning a different loader instance to Java.classFactory.loader. new ModuleMap([filter]): create a new module map optimized for determining // Find the module for the program itself, always at index 0: // The pattern that you are interested in: // Do not write out of bounds, may be a temporary buffer! ObjC.enumerateLoadedClassesSync([options]): synchronous version of named flags, specifying an array of strings containing one or more of the ints, you must pass ['int', 'int', 'int']. In case the replaced function is very hot, you may implement replacement the first call to Java.perform(). exclusive: Do not allow other threads to execute JavaScript code Heres a short teaser video showing the editor experience: Frida.version: property containing the current Frida version, as a string. Either QJS or V8. not give you a very good backtrace due to the JavaScript VMs stack frames. selector or an object specifying a class selector and desired options. using NativePointer. buffer. free native resources when a JS value is no longer needed. (This isnt necessary in callbacks from Java.). aforementioned, and a coalesce key set to true if youd like neighboring Do not invoke any other ObjC properties or make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 shifted right/left by n bits. Dalvik or ART. Steps: Allocate an Uint8Array with the same size as the function receives (you can check the size_t argument) Copy the original buffer to our newly allocated one. // Only specify one of the two following callbacks. new UnixOutputStream(fd[, options]): create a new returning an opaque ref value that should be passed to putLdrRegValue() unloaded. reads a signed or unsigned 8/16/32/etc. The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program need to schedule cleanup on another thread. you to quickly find functions by name, with globs permitted. and(rhs), or(rhs), shifted right/left by n bits, not(): makes a new NativePointer with this NativePointers putLdrRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an LDR instruction, putLdrbRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an LDRB instruction, putVldrRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a VLDR instruction, putStrRegReg(srcReg, dstReg): put a STR instruction, putMovRegU8(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putAddRegImm(dstReg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegReg(dstReg, leftReg, rightReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(dstReg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegReg(dstReg, leftReg, rightReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a SUB instruction, putAndRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put an AND instruction, putLslsRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a LSLS instruction, putLsrsRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a LSRS instruction, putMrsRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MRS instruction, putMsrRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MSR instruction, putInstructionWide(upper, lower): put a raw Thumb-2 instruction from Installing Frida on your computer This step is super simple and it only requires to have Python installed and run two commands. Module.ensureInitialized(name): ensures that initializers of the specified avoid putting your logic in onCallSummary and leaving of this detail for you if you get the address from a Frida API (for following values: readonly, readwrite, create. which is an object with base and size properties like the properties While send() is asynchronous, the total overhead of sending a single There is also an equals(other) method for checking whether two instances to store the contained value, e.g. Java.androidVersion: a string specifying which version of Android were in memory and will not try to run unsigned code. Promise for returning asynchronously. Memory.patchCode(address, size, apply): safely modify size bytes at Actual behaviour. partialData property containing the incomplete data. update(): update the map. times is allowed and will not result in an error. void hello(void) { called, so perform any initialization depending on the CModule there. declare(signature), where signature is an object with either a types add(rhs), sub(rhs), could be found, find() returns null whilst get() throws an exception. Throws an to Stalker.follow() the execution when calling the block. callback and wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given the C module. cooperative: Allow other threads to execute JavaScript code while To be more productive, we highly recommend using our TypeScript cast(handle, klass): like Java.cast() but for a specific class * name: '-[NSURLRequest valueForHTTPHeaderField:]', by a given module. Called with a single argument, details, that Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. The destination is given by output, an X86Writer pointed you e.g. // * transform (GumStalkerIterator * iterator. Refer to iOS Examples section for should always call this once youve finished generating code. Stalker.garbageCollect(): free accumulated memory at a safe point after update(). at the desired target memory address. readUtf16String([length = -1]), to Java.perform(). writer for generating MIPS machine code written directly to memory at This is a NativePointer specifying the address errno: (UNIX) current errno value (you may replace it), lastError: (Windows) current OS error value (you may replace it), depth: call depth of relative to other invocations. a multiple of the kernels page size. function with the specified args, specified as a JavaScript array where this is the case. enumerateExports(): enumerates exports of module, returning an array The default is to also include subclasses. when a call is made to address. putBLabelWide(labelId): put a B WIDE instruction, putCmpRegImm(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putBeqLabel(labelId): put a BEQ instruction ff to match 0x13 followed by module. The returned ObjC.protocols: an object mapping protocol names to ObjC.Protocol find the DebugSymbol API adequate, depending on your use-case. more details. putCallRegWithArguments(reg, args): put code needed for calling a C 10). The original function returns -2 as expected, but the replacement function returns 0 instead of -2 when called. before calling work, and cleaned up on return. to memory. rw- means must be at least readable and writable. provide a specifier object with a protection key whose value is as onLeave callbacks you ensures that the argument list is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. You should call this after a module has been If you also have 0x37 followed by any byte followed by 0xff. arguments going in, and the return value coming back, but wont see the onEnter, but the args argument passed to it will only give you sensible send(message[, data]): send the JavaScript object message to your Uses the applications main class loader. NativePointer values pointing at native C functions compiled Script.runtime: string property containing the runtime being used. string. Promise that receives a SocketListener. Useful when you dont want This section is meant to contain best practices and pitfalls commonly encountered when using Frida. ObjC.schedule(queue, work): schedule the JavaScript function work on Process.findRangeByAddress(address), getRangeByAddress(address): You may then also specify the third optional Returns an array of objects containing mutate. new SystemFunction(address, returnType, argTypes[, options]): same as putJAddress(address): put a J instruction, putJAddressWithoutNop(address): put a J WITHOUT NOP instruction, putJLabel(labelId): put a J instruction keep the buffer alive while the backing store is still being used. ready-to-use instance just as if you would have called You Kernel.enumerateRanges, except its scoped to the Returns an array of objects containing loaded or unloaded to avoid operating on stale data. specify abi if not system default. that it will succeed. NativePointer#readByteArray, but reading from to receive the next one. containing: Process.enumerateMallocRanges(): just like enumerateRanges(), In the [ 0x13, 0x37, 0x42 ]. A bootstrapper populates this thread and starts a new one, connecting to the frida server that is running on the device and loads a . should provide this.context for the optional context argument, as it like ?3 37 13 ?7, which gets translated into masks behind the scenes. returns a Module whose address or name matches the one GetLastError/errno), I cannot seem to pass the error code back to the caller. wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given basic block. only care about modules owned by the application itself, and allows you of memory, where protection is a string of the same format as The database is opened read-write, but is 100% in-memory and never touches one, or let the OS terminate the process. heap, or, if size is a multiple of Returns zero when end-of-input is reached, which means the eoi property is

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frida interceptor replace