daily prophetic word fathers heart

An orphaned generation requires a generation of fathers/mothers to rise up and be poured out in love. Sons and daughters are rising up! I have been waitingnot because I cannot or will not release My SpiritI have been waiting for hearts to be prepared so that my Spirit will be recognized and received. Then I watched the hydraulic arm reach up into a tall tree and remove a dead branch. It comes from My own body and is entwined with the cry of a Nation spilling over and it is an orphans cry. with powerful strategies to implement a course correction through the power of the Holy Spirit! (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). And satisfy your soul in drought. The Spirit of Truth is coming to the heart of Newfoundland. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny! Only that which is of Christ will be anointed and appointed in this hour. She was ready to receive her orders! Just as Joshua commanded His captains to put their feet on the necks of their enemies, so Jesus Christ, our commander and chief is commanding us to put our feet on the necks of our defeated enemies in this hour! Give me your ashes and I will turn them into something beautiful. I saw there was a need for this supernatural girdle to be fitted into place to provide support and strength to Gods Intercessors, for the Reformation of Canada! I saw people of all nationalities and backgrounds lining up on the streets waiting for the Bride to come and they could hear the beating of the Father's heart through the atmosphere/ sound waves. I asked, Jesus how do we get your blood into those wounds so they can be healed?, He said, Its the Anointing that carries my blood to heal these deep wounds. And I see the Father with His arms opened wide and He is calling out into the Arctic region - whosoever will, whosoever will, whosoever will! We are to be a prophetic-apostolic church we are to be in tune with the moving of the Spiritto know the movements of our bridegroom in this hour, to hear His footsteps. Required fields are marked *. Holy Spirit, I invite you to fill me with your presence and power in every area where this spirit had occupied and affected me. Have . I felt this massive wave with many deadly snakes represented the COVID 19 Pandemic.I saw many in the church focusing on the wave as they began to rebuke the snakes and they were trying to pull them out and kill them and at first it appeared to be a wise and discerning thing to do. Manitoba, you carry an evangelistic mandate and you will usher many sons and daughters into the Kingdom. The Holy Spirt is releasing discernment to these spiritual fathers to identify and recognize the promised sons/daughters who carry the dreams of the Father. I am the God who opens doors that no man can shut. Today, your words will break forth like the roar of a Lioness. I have made you righteous that you might work righteousness. I placed you in your life even as I placed Adam in the gardento tend and to keep it. He has increased our capacity to receive more- and this is the time to receive more. In the Spirit, I saw 'the head of Abimelech' being crushed and I discerned that it represented the 'head of Intimidation' and I saw it being crushed on the First Nations reservations. The Father is gathering these faithful ones and I hear Him say- I can work with this! SCRIPTURE: But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. The scene shifted and I was taken to what I knew by revelation to be the North gate in Canada. When the Holy Spirit was done with the cleaning- their teeth would be strong and gleaming. Do not be intimidated by darkness. The tracks for this railroad have been strategically laid in the spirit realm through the intercession, obedience and warfare of several generations. In the story, as soon as the servant put the slipper on the foot of Cinderella- it fit her perfectly and her true identity was sealed and revealed!In a suddenly moment, her true identity was revealed as the princes beloved! We were made to be seated in heavenly places with Him above all powers and principalities. There is a movement of the Father being released across this Nation. In a vision- stepped into a land that I immediately knew was the Province of Quebec. They had been positioned by the enemy to immobilize the people of this land. I repent for yielding to it and I ask you to forgive me for partnering and agreeing with it. Life has a . Just then, I felt a swoosh beside me as one of the hydraulic arms was rooting out something near where I was standing. Then the Lord showed me that just as He directed Abraham to heed the voice of Sarah and send Ishmael away, His Holy Spirit, was coming like a mother in this hour, to direct spiritual fathers to likewise release Ishmael and embrace Issac. You will know your identity as the princes beloved, as the Fathers daughters! One will directly impact the other. Breakthrough and birthing is happening as our soul gets what our spirit already knows! And the Father says its the movement of mothering that will release the movement of Fathering in Canada. She stepped out with the whirlwind propelling her forward. These wounds have so grieved the Fathers heart because He never intended people who were created in His image, to be treated by others with such dishonour, disgrace and disregard. I see that the times of testing in the fires of refinement have prepared the remnant for this Kairos time! NOTE: I felt the dream was a warning as well as prophetic insight into what God is doing in this hour amidst this global pandemic. Daily Prophetic Rhema Words from the Lord to support, encourage, and strengthen your daily walk with Christ . Just as you have experienced the knowledge gifts and [], The Father says today that I will not leave you languishing in sorrow and helplessness. They will not hold back as they retrieve and restore all that has been stolenthey carry the fire of the Fathers heart for Canada. No more grey areas! The Father says today, you are one with Me. Leaders from the world system will be amazed and overwhelmed at the wisdom and order in the lives, relationships, ministries and businesses of those who stand firm in Christ. God has been showing me more and more over the years, that to administer is to govern and to govern with Kingdom purpose is to establish His culture. Rest says the Lord, as I make your enemies a footstool for your feet, look and see that I have prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies! Maggie BarattoFHHM Director & IAHR National Director for Canada. I discerned the spirit of murder was in her mouth and that she had been assigned by the enemy to assassinate the character and destiny of many of the Fathers beloved sons/daughters over many past seasons. You have seen affliction, adversity and much pressure. Through all the trials and all the tears, I was there strengthening you, as the WORD within you took root and grew and bore fruit. As Deborah stepped onto the citadel, she was given access to a telescopic lookout and an array of specialized weaponry. To the forerunners in the church of Canada:- enter into your finest hour- you are shifting into a new era a leap into the miraculousinto the ease of harvesting under the power of the Holy Spirit- under Godly authority, under His Glory! (John 14:12 TPT). Do You Need Someone to Agree with You in Prayer? In the Spirit, I saw that many in the church are like orphans, carrying around this beautiful gift of Son-ship! I saw CLARITY come into the BODY OF CHRIST as a clear path emerged before them and became visible and plain to see. Identity shall give rise to vision and vision shall give rise to destiny. He was coming to expose illegitimate sons/daughters in this season and promote His legitimate sons/daughters and catapult them into their birthright! There is a turning of the tide in Canada as a change of perspective comes into the hearts of His chosen ones. I saw them as a new breed of end-time prophets that God had hidden up His sleeve for such a time as this. This revelation is to bring more authority to God's people to overcome the enemy. Jan 24; To . I saw the Lord Jesus Christ moving in a transformational way as He exchanged beauty for ashes and joy for despair. This means that through the finished work of Jesus Christ, we have complete access to complete healing and restoration as sons and daughters of the Father. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The race begins and the hare runs ahead leaving the tortoise behind and, the hare being overly confident of winning, he takes a nap midway. 20:20: Believe the Prophets, so shall you prosper. Today I choose to release all of these ones to you and to trust you to sort everything out. Dominion is your native state says the Father. That is the place that has been prepared for us through the finished work of Christ. They are the Royal flush in the hand of the Lord and He is leading them into the fulness of His plans in the earth! I see the Father holding the pearl of Saskatchewan in His hand. I decree and declare to New Brunswick out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. I was amazed as I had just witnessed a suddenly moment before my eyes, the depth of the darkest valley had just been transformed into the peak of a beautiful mountain! Dreams that are deep within the Fathers heart, dreams that have been held back for generations are now springing forth in this season, for its a season of birthing and bursting into Resurrection Life! Yes, I hear the cry for your children but there rises even a greater cry that pierces My own heart. She went in and out of shops, upsetting items, tables, and things in those shops, and throughout the marketplace, and back into the streets. Prepare your hearts, prepare yourselves, for I will do a work in my body and in this nation that will astound many. Thank you that you are breaking down the barriers and the hindrances that have caused so many of your daughters to fall into despair and to lose hope in past seasons. I break the power of every assignment connected to SHAME in your life in Jesus name! And I see financial breakthroughs and new beginnings sprouting up all across Canada! I declare that this girdle will cause you to war with the Word of the Lord in your mouth, from the place of INTIMACY with Jesus Christ, your Bridegroom and your Commander-in- Chief! Behold I am doing a new thing at the North gate and Im doing a new thing in Canada!. Out of this, came a pair of hands and they were holding something. And even in the thick of the battle I see the Lord is strengthening those who have become weary. They are here for the plunder that lies in these fields- they are here to reap a harvest of souls. The Father says today it is written of Me in the scriptures "King of KINGS and Lord of LORDS". I saw them embody the scripture in hey will embody the scripture in Isaiah 43:3 I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places,That you may know that I, theLord, Whocallyouby your name, Amthe God of Israel. Their orphan hearts were transformed into the hearts of daughters. I heard him say"I will not go to the religious, for they have dis-graced the name of Jesus". His Roar intensifies and increases! I knew, it was not about going higher, it was about going wider- it was about the discovery and revelation of everything in this space, this realm.In my spirit I knew, I was standing on the threshold of the Throne Room. While our head, who is Jesus, is in Heaven, His Body is on the earth. I was asking the Father if He had a Word for the body of Christ regarding the elections outcome in Canada. Your response time in the act of love is a measurement, says the Father, of My response time to meet your own need. Prophesy Father Heart World Online Church I John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Our clients stand before us and are looking to us, the front-line Healing Rooms volunteers, to bring Gods clarity and promises into their situation. I was watching, standing off to the side, as the scene began to unfold. My husband and I had been married earlier that day, we had just left our wedding reception and we were standing in the hallway of a beautiful hotel and were just about to enter our honeymoon suite. I declare that Gods government is emerging in Resurrection Power! He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit for without Me you can do nothing.As the Lord spoke, I saw that His WORDS contained the much needed Oil and that this Oil carried 2 specific properties:1) an anointing to build the house of the Lord2) an anointing to bear fruit for the Lord of the house*building and reproduction. I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. In Jesus name, I renounce and break all legal rights and powers associated with this evil spirit. Refusing to carry their cross, they oppose the work of the Holy Spirit. It looked like a high-tech hydraulic backhoe-tractor type combination with many attachments. Autoimmune Diseases- online definition- a family of more than 80 chronic, often debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. In early August 2021, in the Spirit, I saw the story outlined in Joshua 10:24 unfold before me in a vivid vision (this was the 2nd time God highlighted this story to me in a vision). Resurrection Power- its the stuff dreams are made of! It is a "tipping point" year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. Lord Jesus, I submit myself fully to you, spirit soul and body and I ask you to lead me into your divine rest. Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. This new leadership carries a generational blessing for they have received a double portion. They birthed John the Baptist (the spirit of Elijah) and Jesus (the Son of God), respectively. Have Questions? Father, I speak blessing and increase into every gift that you have deposited within these daughters! Sealed, Quebec, I decree the enemys assignments are being identified, nullified and removed from your land! December 1, 2022 Prophet Russell Walden Daily prophecy for December, 2022, republished with the kind permission of Prophet Russ Walden of Father's Heart Ministry. When the spotlight was on her, the whole room exploded with lightening because the diamond gave off beams of refractory colours and there was a magnifying of this light. In the name of Jesus, I break the power of SHAME from everyone under the sound of my voice! I could hear the sound of their feet in the earth and it was the sound of a rumble and their sound began to shake the inner core of the continent of Africa! We are to be mindful of what we speak because life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). | 3 Comment. In this season evil giants are falling as My sons and daughters are rising to shine with My glory! A remnant prepared as the dwelling place for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit for they have been made Holy even as He is Holy. I saw the body of Christ in Africa begin break-dancing as they broke free from their captivity and plundered the enemys camp and took back everything he stole from their generations! Hold everything [], The Father says today, My child, hear me when I say that every true desire within you has been placed there by me. Every week I take some time to listen to the Father's heart to receive a prophetic word of inspiration for those who are part of this community. They will retrieve the blessings for their generational lineage and they will make the crooked ways straight. New wineskins are being formed in the church across Nova Scotia. He began to add onto that revelation. During prayer this week, while I was reflecting on the global pandemic, I asked the Lord what He was doing. Behold the ROAR of the Lioness! This is what the Father is releasing to Canada - Resurrection Power! I saw that the Word had become flesh within the Bride. It was as though she already knew Him and had been waiting for this moment. Their hearts are on fire with the Fathers love and resolve. It is the Father's great desire for His Canadian sons and daughters to come into the fullness of their inheritance, to come into their Destiny as Healers to the Nations. It is the KINDNESS of God that leads us to repentance! (Songs 8:5). Our Father is on the move- and He is moving into the spaces and places we have prepared for Him in the past seasons. This is a season of miracles because the God of miracles is here to bind up broken hearts and restore lost hope and open doors for provision. The Fathers Love encountered each one and His emotions touched their damaged emotions and they were transformed and made whole. What was not possible before is now being made possible. You were not created to live in fear, lack or intimidation. Keep your hearts pure and do not become offended with your neighbour nor despise the circumstances or the times that you are living in. Prophetic Word For May (2023) Emerge With New Strength! A breaking out of old patterns and old cycles. I understood that this was the time where the Word of God was waiting for the Spirit of God to stir up and release the Word that had become flesh within the Bride! I AM is stoking the fire and raising up a passion in the heart of Prince Edward Island. As I read Psalms 126:1-6 today, the Spirit of God quickened into my spirit that this is a now word for what is about to happen to His faithful church in Canada who are trusting Him for breakthrough in their families, relationships, finances, communities and Nation right now! I watched as they walked through many difficult seasons, and I saw their hearts merge with the heart of the Father. In the spirit, I see many of these daughters receiving strategies and keys and they are beginning to rise up higher and higher and higher! He was dressed in military fashion, a blue uniform with gold buttons. Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. We need to hear Him, to feel Him and to see Him because we become what we behold. I have given you the capacity to manifest the substance of your hopes and dreams. The least likely people are being transformed and anointed from out of the least likely places to walk on the high places of the earth. Thanks). Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Not only will we see the Victory but we will BE the Victory! Likewise, I see spiritual mothers- mighty warriors rising up and coming alongside fathers, to propel them into their destinies with the word and the roar of the Lord in their mouths. One heart and one mind. His love burns in their hearts. I saw these ones begin to scale tall mountains and re-move the reproach of the LORD from the mountain-tops and re-claim them for the Lord. As I walked through the restaurant, I saw that the food they served was being freshly 'cooked up' in the kitchen by the master Chef- God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). I will use these things to raise you up as My ambassador to demonstrate my Glory into the earth! I was immediately reminded that in the OT, Moses was told by God not to strike the rock for water but to speak to the rock. In this season in which darkness is covering the earth, we as Believers must position ourselves to receive increase from God. To the body of Christ in Canada- I decree that YOU ARE the agenda of the Father in this hour! Resolute Bay, I see the fire of the Holy Ghost coming to your house! I Decree the Word of the Lord will be unleashed from the least likely places and these voices will rise and rise and rise and they will collectively become a fountain of living water for many to drink from and be refreshed and be strengthened! We just have to LET HIM heal us! Things will get better by My hand. I see the movement of mothering is being unleashed! This is the time to abide in Him so that we can respond from a place of rest and confidence in His perfect plans. I shall bridge between the cries and release healing. "Behold I do a new thing" says the Lord the old is past and the new has come. Thank-you Father, that you are releasing divine strategies and keys to your daughters in this season. Ontario You will make a way where there is no way. We want to be the Prophets in your life! I continued to watch as the large cloud was being positioned and readied for the releasing of 'an abundance of rain'. When Samuel took the anointing oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers it says that theSpirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. There is power in the prayer of agreement. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesnt produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. A breaking out of the old and a breaking into the new. Prepare to move in this new direction as I lead you through the doors of your destiny! I watched him became unstuck and suddenly he popped like a cork and shot up right to the top of the Silo, through the opening and onto the ground of the realm where I was standing- the threshold of the Throne Room. I was weeping while I watched this. I see you will be lovingly nurtured and healed and taught at the breast of El Shaddai, the many breasted one! Once again, God is moving powerfully through mothers. Oil from the realm of the Throne Room.I asked the Lord, What is this Oil that he needs to get unstuck and where do I get this Oil, so I can help him?, Then the Lord spoke these WORDS: Its not by might, not by power but by My spirit says the Lord of Hosts". The Fathers love is coursing through the veins of the Yukon. The coats represented heaviness and stress and the people who were wearing these coats were weighted down and couldnt move around much. Once again, the scene shifted and I saw there had been traps laid out on the ground- stretched out across the land. So, I did. I see fulfillment of many promises and I see dreams coming true in this season. Then Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied the amazing plans of the Father (verse 67-79). Sealed, I decree that the Father has positioned you as a gateway for His Apostolic Government to be established into this Region and into the Nation of Canada! Daily Prophetic Word Archives - Fathers Heart Ministry Just then, I was able to see many others in the yard as well. Roll out the barrel and I will fill it with a brand new wine. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. And you will be a sign and a wonder to behold, says the Lord for I am doing things that have not yet been done and Im doing them in a way that you havent yet thought of! Healing Rooms, part of a great army arising in Canada. They are coming with a fresh anointing to kick it up a notch and they will be the manifestation of the last generations hopes and dreams. It comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Especially those who have been struggling in who they are and what they are called to do. I call forth an entrepreneurial anointing to break-forth into Canada! The dancers are dancing as a war cry goes forth; as the alarms are being soundedAnd I hear the Lord say Arise and dance, dance on the head of injustice, dance on the head of oppression, dance the dance of Victory and GraceI see the feet of the body of Christ taking new ground, taking new territorythe feet of the body of Christ mobilizing, moving strategically and dancing into the streets, into their inheritance, into their Destinydancing to the beat of the Fathers heart for the days of Apostolic release are upon us. Peoples hearts are being revealed. I see mantles falling from the shoulders of past revivalists and former spiritual movements and I see mantles from commanders and generals from days gone by and they are being picked up by the Spirit of God and being placed upon the shoulders of the least likely all across this Nation! I saw there was thick gold lava coming off the back of the Bride's glass shoes behind her. NOTE to Self (and others): Keep your focus on what God is doing! As I did, my right arm shot straight up and I heard the words "Resurrection Power" and I was instantly transformed into the statue of liberty! And even as the Father has imparted into them His heart for the lost, the broken and the hurting so they shall arise to set the Captives free and no one shall come near them or stop them for the fierceness of Love will be upon them. In Jesus name, I take authority over the evil spirit of jealousy and I command it to leave me now. We are to move out from a position of Victory, war from Victory and rest in Victory. God says that He is visiting the least likely people in the least likely places across Canada! On the front of the train I saw the Spirit of Counsel positioned to lead, direct and move this train within the Fathers perfect counsel and timing. These arrows weremercy prayers and as they fell onto the ground they formed a red carpet! These WAR HORSES are being assembled with fresh bits in their mouths! Then I heard the words from Zechariah 4:6- not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. In the vision: I was standing on the shores of the promised land and I looked at the people crossing over and I saw the waters of the Jordan behind them beginning to recede. I heard a disgruntling that had taken place in the Spirit, a disgruntled people who have mumbled and grumbled and complained with whispers and gossip. Their motivation is the Fathers Love- their weapons are not carnal but mighty for the taking down of strongholds. I declare--- YOU are unstoppable! Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for April 2023 and more. With the inauguration of these Kings comes the birthing and rising up of an Apostolic army across the earth! Today, I see you rising up from the ashes of death and destruction to birth beauty and life! For I am your loving Father, and I delight in giving good gifts to My children. I decree- the mothers of the new Era are being positioned by the Holy Spirit for a mighty birthing to take place! I see an Apostolic leadership mantle from the Father being placed upon a collective body of spiritual fathers and mothers who will humbly walk and lead and be led by the Holy Spirit of God. Can you LET Him carry you?Can you surrender all?I mean truly surrender every aspect of yourself to Him? As she stood upon the citadel, she opened her mouth and let out a battle cry and it resounded as a mighty ROAR!!! And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. I see the spirit of Elijah is resting upon the women in Canada! And the King of glory shall come in. Today, I see the spirit of death falling off of you, like an old rag that has weighed heavily upon your shoulders and in its place a mantle of governmental authority is shining through. We want to be the Prophets in your life! I saw the body of Christ in Africa, pushing, through much Prayer and much Intercession, pushing the Continent of Africa into a new season and into perfect alignment with the plans of the Father! In other words- He wants to take us from the wedding to the marriage. They turned vertically and were circled with 3 rings. I hear the Father saying: I am raising up the mothers of Canada, Im raising them up to bring a ROAR of justice and righteousness into the Land and they will roar over Cities and they will roar over Nations and they will bring the fear of the Lord and they will release the ROAR of the LION of Judah onto the forefront of Canadian soil, to purge the land and to cleanse it from injustice and from all the works of the enemy. Game changers- and through them-everything changes and nothing will be the same! Watch now as the Father reveals the new thing that He has been preparing in the secret place deep within you. Sealed, I Decree to generational curses of divination, today you are broken, removed and displaced by the rhema Word of the Lord! This is what the Lord says: I will give Jerusalem a river of peace and prosperity. I could feel the mercy heart of the Father for the fatherless and for the orphan. I am the God of the impossible, and I am ready to do the impossible in your life as you simply believe and trust in Me. This is your hour to be raised up because My favour is reigning upon you in this season for this is the season of your opportunity! That royal DNA assaults sickness in your body. In times of drought I have sustained you says the Lord and today I am turning you inside out so that the work that I have accomplished in the hidden places is now being revealed. Lord Jesus, I submit myself fully to you, spirit, soul & body and ask you to lead me into your perfect peace. I hear the Father saying "I want all my kids at my right hand". Today, I am strengthening you with my mighty right arm for I am your glory and the lifter of your head! Then I was shown a small army of prayer warriors who have been believing and proclaiming and holding the promises of God for many years and I saw that it was their obedience and faith that has been the catalyst for this new move of the Spirit in North America. You shall know the truth and truly you shall be free.

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daily prophetic word fathers heart