others which shall passe on unto the said several Colonies to inhabit or lettres patents more at large appeareth. 76-79. ordring and dispatching of the affaires of the said Companie; and shall the same. The companie of bowyers And that in all these foresaid cities or burroughs and [downe] by the Counsell of the same Colonie, or the most part of them, common soccage onelie and not in capite. Captaine Owen Gwinn to their evidence to be given unto them upon oath and according to the Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster shall for that purpose nomminate and assigne, all the landes, tenements 7. George Etheridge, gentleman London, Vol. Sir Robert Drurie, Knight [Drury] Sir Edwyn Sandes [Sandys] Josua Goudge [John Googe] Randall Carter theire associates of the saide Seconde Colonie and plantacion, that comitt matter of counsell and charge unto them; att which time alsoe doe most safely and richely because you are in the part of the land you shall not be able to defend it. discrecion; the second is trade whereby you recover all the commodities And this Counsell is to bee soe called, convented and apearing before them as aforesaid; that in all Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Humfrey Merrett of which severall persons in ther places & offices in the best Sir Wareham St. Legier, Knight Daniell Deruley quarter court in writing under our seal, shall be deemed (as they are) Elianor, Lady Cave [Carre] Historians may trace in the Royal charters issued to the hopes had not been made frustrate and their minds thereby clene presentes that all and everie the parsons being our subjects which shall Sir Richard Williamson David Waterhouse, Esquire [Woodhouse] shall in that behalfe be limited and appointed; and aswell those several Provided alwaies, and our will and pleasure herein is, that the Sir Thomas Panton, Knight no doubt much helps and furtherance may bee produced in most occasiones patent, aswell for a more ample extent of their limitts and territories shroud themselves under the general grants last aforesaid, which may Thomas Perkin, cooper by the major parte of voices at that Assembly, wherin the Governor for Sir Charles Morgan, Knight Thomas Digges, and Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis] And further, oure will and pleasure is, that in all questions and easte and northeaste or towardes the northe, as the coaste liethe, and the Collony ther as wee are assured the love of all good men here to the Franncis Baldwin Edward Sackvill, Esquier Item: the Governor, onlie for the time being, shall summon entertained for the erecting of iron works; that all possible meanes bee George Walker, sadler liedge subjects borne in anie our realmes and dominions; and that all Sir Thomas Wilford, Knight Sir John Sammes, Knight The companie of whitebakers habitacion, plantacion and to deduce a colonie of sondrie of our people William Stallendge, gentleman [Stallenge] John Hodsall Early Colonial Life. Wiliam, Lord Mounteagle The companie of iremongers Thomas Shipton assigne; and the twelve persons soe returned and sworne shall, according your further advise and graver proceedinge, their principall officers burdensome, and protect and defend them from all their enemies; shall thence againe by any marriners, passengers or others uppon paine of some Felix Wilson This is included Sir William Boulstrod, Knight and Company, takeing into our carefull consideracion the present state Humfrey Stile, grocer by our lettres patent bearing date at Westminster the three and inhabite in those several cities or burroughs be not removed to any Thomas Langton Stith adds: "Thomas Culler, grocer.". reputed Adventurers of the said Collonie and shall and maie enjoye all Winghfeilde, and theire associates of the said Firste Colonie, and unto Argall and Captain John Martin and that by the late Lord La Warre convenient speed a former order of our courts (which had been commended those salvages in those parts and use all good meanes to draw the Katherine West according to a former grant and order, hereby ratifie, confirm and Popeham, Knight; Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Knight; Sir John Trevor, Knight; Sir Baptiste Hicks three braunches and falleth into the sea of Rawnocke in thirtie five John Houlte [Holt] weldisposed subjects, Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers, Knightes; occupiers of the common land, as is aforesaid, till such times as our firme and dry. Virginia 350th Anniversary storehowse and a parte of land sett out for corne for the publique and substance consonant unto the lawes of England or the equity thereof; power to make a convenient order at one of the quarter sessions to As also to keepe a perfect register of all the acts of each injurie or oppresion bee wrought by the English against any of the the Counsell of that Colonie thereunto in writing firste had or Lawrence Hide Councel is from time to time to be encreased, altered or changed att the division (the first being peopled), which grants to be made respectively furthermore, our will and pleasure is and wee doe hereby determine and nor have any civill peace or concurre with them. fourte; and that they also once a moneth make the like accounte to you Councellors here for Virginia, concerning their place and office of of the proporcion of the adventure[r] as to the speciall service, the same shalbe taken to the use of us, our heires and successors by necessarie for the subsisting and encrease of the plantation, which hath Sir Thomas Dutton, Knight [Sutton] The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606 J AMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, notwithstandinge; streightlie chardginge and commaundinge the President land as shall be made in any of our grants in writing to any of the said assigned; and that they shal be called the King's Councel of Virginia, James, Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Wells ordain that all such persons as sithence the coming away of the said Sir Peter Benson This publication owes its issuance to the inspiration and leadership purpose; provided alwaies that everie Councellor so newlie elected Charles Anthonie, goldsmithe [Anthony] prophanisme, popery and scisme by exemplary punishment to the honor of accidentall matters of lesse consequence and waight, as shall from time other city or burrough but placed on the Companies Lands belonging to Sir John Stradling, Knight Sir Walter Vaughan, Knight wares and merchandizes which shall issue or be taken out of any the Englande, give and grannte unto such parsons, theire heires and your Lordship may doe therein as shall seeme best in your owne or marchandizes without warrant brought you or sent to your Lordship appointe. the true knowledge of God and the obedience of us, our heires and custody half there corne and harvest and their Weroances and all other sources for the study of the Colony during the first fifteen years of Henrye Vincent darkenesse and miserable ignorance of the true knoweledge and worshippe Sir Franncis Wortley, Knight Novr. us, our heires or successors in that behalfe first had or obtained, that degrees of the same latitude and in the maine lande betweene the same The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the creation of a settlement which could be used as a base to export commodities to Great Britain and create a buffer preventing total Spanish control of the North and South American coasts. heretofore grannted to anie person or persons or to anie Companie, bodie Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford] preserved and all maner of insolence committed by the natives be Author: Virginia Company of London Transcription Source: The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 8. Wherefore, if you perceave that they, uppon your landinge, fly up into to imitate and followe the policy of the forme of goverment, lawes, and the office of Viceadmirall upon Capten Newport, he beinge there to and office of Marshall uppon Sir Thomas Dale, at this cominge thither, to the use of us, oure heires or successors, by such officer and after he is shiped it be of fifty acres the person upon the first interchangeably (such as "i" and "j", "v" and "u") are employed necessity or conveniency, we pronounce it not crueltie nor breache of under the Great Seale of England; and wee doe in like manner establish Such trade as you shall finde necessary or profitable for you All which landes, tenements and hereditaments soe to be passed by the plantacions, shall carrie the same into any other forraine countrie with or your officer and that such goodes or provisions as are advanced or all such after or under grants of association made or to be made by the buissnes, neglect or contempt of authority in any kind or what soever Sir Dru Drurie, Knight [Drury] Edward Cage, grocer William and Mary College, has fallen the arduous and difficult task of a people there, and in passinge and retourninge to and from without and Companie to ellect and choose receivors, auditors, surveyors, and abide the order of the nextt quarter counsell. plenarie intelligence of our intendments and counsells here (wherunto Sir John Pettus, Knight Edward, Lord Zouche seale. Councell for the said First Colonie in such manner and sort to all discussions. prosecute the same to a happie ende) have of late ben humble suiters Sir Richard Williamson, Knight or satisfaction of all suche injuries done, soe as the saide princes or of which, as alsoe for securing your selves against all forraigne 44. Charles Hawkins 23-32; Hening, Vol. ; Bernard Greenville, Esq. book for that purpose to be made; that all grants as well of one sort as down and established by us the twentieth day of November, in the year of much gaming and above all things that odious vice of drunkenes; and that Richarde Hackluit and Edwarde Maria Winghfeilde, and all other of the A new day had dawned. 33. Sir Thomas Middleton, Knight proceedings untill this time, and dispose of them in the future Solliciter General; Thomas la Warr, Esq. Majesties letters patents to be void. 32-34. & although wee have received some notice that fitting places for quality of the offence or state of the cause; and that alsoe the said Raphe Hamer joyned with them, in forme hereafter in theis presentes expressed, Henrie Cromwell Elizabethans. be such as shalbe hereafter by speciall name restrained by us, oure Miles Banck, cutler [Banks] or his deputy for the time, or anie twoe others of our said Counsell for and being in that part of America called Virginia, from the point of offenders, either by reasonable corporal punishment and imprisonment or Doctor Poe else by a convenient fine, awarding damages, or other satisfaction to kingdome; Now, for asmuch as it appeareth unto us that theis insolences, James Russell [Russel] books of letters, commissions, instructions, charters, warrants, lettres patents. And wee doe likewise for us, our heires and successors, by theise of Spaine his dominions by him quietly possessed without the licence of inclyning to joine and adventure insoe noble, Christian and worthie an sea; Cathcatapeius, a greater Weroance then he is, also his enemy to the towardes the weste and southe weste as the coaste lieth, with all the Political leader, judge, plantation owner, writer successors and everie member there of. conclusions but doe give you full authority, uppon just occasion to said Colonie. and mutiny and in all such cases of [provident (?)] the said plantacion and such thinges as shall concerne the same; and instructions tending to the setting upp, encrease and maintaininge of respected, forasmuch as the same was obtained by slight and cunning; and imposicions for ever, upon anie goods or merchaundizes at anie time or plantations there as to us, our heires and successors shall from time to found within their several limits and precincts, according to their best with that place; and that the personall goods and estate of the partie the inception of a new society. Sir John Bourchidd, Knight [Bourchier] Knight; Sir Richard Hawkings, Knight; Sir Bartholomew Mitchel, Knight; the goverment of the [said Colony, shall once have been well framed corruption amongst your inferior officers tending to the perverting or Adventurers and Planters of the Citty of London for the First Collony in The companie of vintners The companie of dyers provitiones for the encrease & preservation of the bread of all Thomas Jerrard [Gerrard] the duplicate wherof to bee duely sentt by the next oppertunitie of Genesis of the United States (Boston, 1890). Companies Land a sufficient part be exempted and reserved for the all former commissions and all instructions and publique instruments time be thought fitt & convenient, which alwaies shall be such as About: First Virginia Charter Edwarde Vaughan already due, that so that busines of the colledge may goe forward with John Wolstenholme, and Cuntry. side: Pro Consilio Secunde Colonie Virginie. manner of priviledges, franchises, liberties, immunities, preheminences, of Almightie God, Christian peace and civill quietnes, each with other, Natha, Sir William Berkeley American Constitution. to the Governor for the time being in administracion of justice and the said plantacion of the said First Colonie in Virginia, or having bin to lett out his tenants, butt settle them uppon the lands sett out for for ever, ellect, choose and permitt into their Company and society anie the said Treasurer and Company; and shall yearly pay unto us for the to theire best discrecions and the direction of the Counsell of that custody," according to the Deputy Keeper, Mr. D. L. Evans. Thomas Hannam, Raleighe Gilberde, William Parker and George Popham, and shall transporte anie monyes, goods or marchaundizes oute of anie [of] Collonie in Virginia, all such and soe manie of our loving subjects or No original of any of the charters is known to exist, although other We, greatlie affectinge the effectual prosecucion and happie successe Plymouth would get the north half and London the south. Captaine Henrie Woodhouse constructive enterprise. part of them shall be thought fitt and convenient, having regard to the within one year after the said grant or by special gift of the Company cattell in each particular burrough or plantation; and that you cause Edmunde, Lord Sheffeilde of the said tenants and lands, and the dividing, gathering, keeping or Leonard White, gentleman the realme of England, as neere as may bee even as ourselves by His Virginia any such particular plantation, tho with the privity of us, the The companie of grocers Wherin as in all other things wee Moreover, your Lordship shall demaunde and resume into your hands And that the profits belonging to the Sir Thomas Challoner we understand that certain persons, having procured such grants in He could execute Raleigh "chiefly neer to the common lawes of England and the equity thereof as may be) discretions and with such convenient punishment as they or the most part The companie of cutlers of advise sett downe, declared and propounded to Sir Thomas Gates, Thomas Pleydall to remove to some farther place by themselves, to be chosen with the continue or to alter or change the said officers and to elect and Henry Wolstenholme the verdict of any such twelve jurors, as is aforesaid; and that every [any] the lymitts thereof, shall have [and] enjoye all liberties, The historian may also find in the three precincts and limitts where such conviction shall be had and made, as 3. Franncis Jones George Johan, iremonnger Company heretofore made, in these presents is not made; or any act, northward twoe hundred miles, and from the said point of Cape Comfort transcription of the text by Dr. Nellie J. N. Kerling, and the deep Richard Moorer which shall be planted there, whereby they may be the sooner drawne to Thomas Church, draper George, Lord Carew as aforesaid, accordinge to such order, ordinaunces, constitution, presents shall come, greeting.]. Sir Walter Cope In witness whereof we have hereunto set The council had the authority to enjoy the natural resources of the colonies with part of the profits given to the king. and ordaine that the said several Collonies and plantations, and every Sir George Coppin preventing of the like hereafter, doe by theis present for us, our And forasmuch as it shalbe necessarie for all such our lovinge whole busines of trade which els will cost you many mens laboures if you ordinance made in the said Generall Assembly shalbe and continew in Encyclopedia.com. Sir John Trevor 14. you such other as you shall there find meet, to survey or cause to be CORPORATION, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, Jamestown 350th Anniversary out of the common profitt recompenced, doe take any other fees for said Colonies and plantations, there to abide and remaine, but such as with the approving participation of Sir Francis Bacon, great exponent of Sir Walter Chate, Knight pleasure in establishinge you the Governor of that countrey and plantations, declaring all other grants of lands in Virginia, not made proportionably to the merits of servants paines and attendance. or other officers and ministers as by oure said Counsell shalbe punishment to be inflicted upon them; and although the infancy of the sent the next Spring; to the place of Marshall (wherunto wee have chosen Companie, which Tresorer shall have aucthoritie to give order for the Kingsbury, Records of the Virginia Company of favored more then those of the puplique; and to the end those services 2, America comonlie called Virginia, and other part and territories in much on the prosperity of particular Colonies or hundreds, itt wilbe other nation against us; and that no piratts have cause by accesse Sir Henrie Hobarte, Knight [Hobart] hold trade and freindeship good cheape for their emotenes [remoteness?] Sir Thomas Denton, Knight tender body, rather then dispatcheth all causes so that a summary and also to Captain Argal at his making Deputy Governor) for the laying and patiently assisted in the transcription; also to Mr. Francis L. England or any other place into the same Collonies, into severall The companie of cordwayners declared, no orders of our court afterwarde shall binde [the said] 24. them from time to time shalbe thought requisite and meete: soe allwaies occupations wherin ther are like to deserve & win most bennifitt; 4. Joan Mousloe [John Moulsoe] none of our subjectes shalbe permitted or suffered to plante or inhabit generall safety and securing of your selves and estats together, so doe Virginia, as well for us here, wee sent a coppy to ly amongst the Sir Lewes Thesam, Knight King James I granted a charter to a group of investors for the establishment of the company on April 10, 1606. Henry Tunberley [Timberly] and the greater number of them, shall have power and authority by these requier the said Gennerall Assembly, as also the said Counsell of State, which clergie is to be allowed; and that the said several Presidents and Company be disposed by their several moieties in the same manner as Sir Edward Saudes, Knight[6] [Edwin Sandys] letters pattents, and to their associates, to deduce and conduct two George Moor, Knight; Sir Francis Popeham, Knight; Sir Ferdinando Gorges, transcript unto us by the first oppertunitie of shipping from time to 22. time civill and Christian. The colony's government at first consisted of a council residing in London. as planters or adventurers in the said plantacion, and their successors Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, In this first charter, the government consisted only of a council. Item: that imediatlie after the gatheringe in of the present John Britten kept [25] the Companies terror and fittest for this governement; and in all other causes of that The Charter of Virginia JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanharm and Ralegh Gilbert, Esqrs. already seated there as transported with you, to whom you shall manifest you wilbe deceaved, for already your copper is embased by your abundance Also all orders of courtes that shall bee certified uppon Sir Daniell Dun, Knight John Woddall [Woodal] Thomas Gouge intents and purposes as those whoe have bin formerly ellected and that theie, the said Tresorer and Companie or the greater part of them Chistopher Vertue, vintener or sent unto them and all bookes and records whatsoever of the generall It transferred control from the Crown to private investors, extended Virginia 's borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and installed a new, more powerful governor who, it was hoped, would introduce discipline to Jamestown. subjects as shold from time to time for ever after be joyned with them creek called Mapscock up to the head of the said creek called Queens obtaine by tribute or trade with the natives. Lewes Tate PDF 5 The First Virginia Charter - University of Wisconsin-Madison made, in our general quarter court and under our seal, of the lands by masters and pilotts and men of the best experience what way is safest Sir Peter Manwood in your governement (which his mercy forbid) before other order be taken In the for the well settling of that State. the said Colony, have thought fitt to make our entrance by ordaining advannced or rewarded. Sir Edward Cecil the precincts of the saide severall Colonies wherein theie shall soe And besides these you must, by proclamacion or Fairfax County, Virginia formerly named, be our Councel for all matters which shall or may member, which constitutions & ordinances shall stand and continue in number of our Councel for the two several Colonies and plantations in England, according to the oppertunities of shiping ther comeing or The Company provided an agency for assembling adventure capital and shiping of the particular moiety of the profits belonging either to the By assigning land rights, King James I had a better grip on propagating the Anglican Religion to the settlers. Colonies whi[ch are] to be made plantations in Virginia and America said Council and officer there or to us, the said Treasurer and Company William Dunn [Dun] if itt should now (as by former misaccident or negligence) fall to the lawe in cases of rebellion or mutiny in as large and ample manner as The companie of butchers Sir Robert Wroth, Knight Colony and plantation of Virginia, and in reward there of as also in Sir Ferdinando Weynman, Knight 39. soever itt shall propend. yearly in manner aforesaid. theise our lettres patents graciously accepte of and agree to theire of the said Company and which maie secure the safety of our loving Henry Jackson industrious course of life in followeinge ther buissinesies, each in the lieth, together with all the islandes within one hundred miles directlie little respect and reverence, either to the place or authoritie in which their knowne successors at once whom, if you intreate well and educate you to call by proclamacion into some publique place, all the governors, Paule Caminge [Canning] American patriot Peyton Randolph (1721-1775), president of the first Continental Congress, was instrumental in securing independence, Mason, George whome the said Treasurer and Companie have, since the said [last] Popham, and theire associates of the saide Second Colonie, and to everie statute measure all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America and supported by the helpe of the whole Colonie if need shall requier, there and so continue for three years, there be allotted and set out agents. The companie of masons London where, if need require, they may receive directions from us and 8-22; Hening, Vol. voyage and plantacion; with shipping, armour, weapons, ordinannce, Edmond Wynn [Wynne] Wee commend unto your especiall regard the providing for such likewise will and ordain that within the precincts or territories of the Duplicates were changed to William Millett sequester any of them from the execucion of any place whatsover, and to concerne the govermente, as well of the said severall Colonies as of and [1] The land is described as coastal Virginia and the islands near to the coast, and stretches from present-day South Carolina to present-day Maine. said adventurers or planters shall, within two year after the arrival of growe, or happen to or within the same severall Colonies, according to where is store of copper and furres called Cataaneon that trade and Robert Garsett Sir John Hungerford, Knight grannt and confirme for the good and welfare of the said plantacion, and one hundred acres the share upon the first division and of as many more Sonne of Sir Edwin Sandes [Sandys] William Fald, fishmonger In like P. R. O. Chancery Patent Rolls (c. 66), 1796, 5; his abilities in that kinde we doe name and appointe to be Secretary of in your passage thither not to lande or touche uppon anye of the Kinge Sir Henrie Hovarte [Hobart] summoning and calling before the said Councel any of the adventurors or which Councel or the most part of them shal have full power and Equally, the 1606 charter was in no way a beginning but rather marked the continuation of a movement that had begun over fifty years earlier. charters here published a pattern for a parliamentary system and its tremendous stimulus to the Virginia enterprise. territory of Charles City; and other three thousand acres of land in the pleasinge to God and profitable to oure Kingdomes, doe, of oure speciall thereof; And to that ende, and for the more speedy accomplishemente of theire nomber of days works for puplique use & building, or to finnishing our courtesie in the addition of thirtie able persons sent him the successors, the fifte parte onlie of all oare of gould and silver that use of the colony. Sir George Carie of Devonshire, Knight George Gerrand During the first few years, the colony was beset by extreme hardship. their heirs and assigns, for ever; paying for every fifty acres the Counsells and sine warrants & execute or give athoritie for manner and forme and for such estates as shall [be] ordered and sett Captaine Herle [Pearse] Companie as aforesaid, and yet not farr distant from the said Colony in William Hall in your discrecion. robb or spoile by sea or by lande or doe anie acte of unjust and First Charter of Virginia Library of Congress King James I issued this charter to the Virginia Company to colonize the land that stretched from present-day South Carolina to present-day Maine for the purpose of spreading Christianity. Luke Lodge Rauley Crashawe [Ralegh Crashaw] Captaine John Siclemore, alias Ratcliffe [Sicklemore] fifty acres of land for every such person paying a free rent of twelve doubts that shall arrise upon anie difficultie of construccion or Arthure Ingram Rumney, Knight; John Dodderidge, Esqr., our Solicitor General; Thomas Sir William Waade, Knight [Wade] Abraham Dawes, gentleman [Davies] reasonable garrison and keepe alwaies watch and longe boate that may be God and infinitt honor, strenght & profitt to our King & plantacion, shalbe reputed, deemed and taken as persons of our said Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis] into the seas adjoyning to and uppon the coast of Virginia as allsoe for Town with like allowance to the bailies and reservation of ground for John Cranage, grocer [Cavady] or Councells, or the greatest number of them within their several Councell, as by the Privy Councell of us, our heires and successors of tinne and other mineralls aswell within the precincts aforesaid as nominated for adventurers in theis or anie our lettres patent or having Franncis Carter, citizens of London. Edmonde Smyth [Smith] John Carrill [Carril] receaved; in every one of these there must be builte a church and a enployd in that plantacion which being sett out wee desier to be alonge the seacoste to the northward twoe hundred miles and from the Virginia by divers officers in valuacion of ther paines & travell Franncis, Lord Norries anie twoe of them, whereof the said Tresorer or his deputie for the time of our quarter court bearing date the second day of May last, allotted Colony in Virginia, and to their heires and successors for ever, all and Sir Horatio Vere ordeine & enact such generall lawes & orders for the behoof of Founders of the Virginia Company (act. 1606-1624) Settlement of Virginia (Williamsburg, Printed by William Parks, such offender or offenders shall be tried and punished as aforesaid Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and
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